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The Diamond Self Reading

It's time to put your needs first and learn to ACCEPT yourself for who you are right now. 


  • Do you want to feel happier and healthier?

  • Are you ready to LIGHT up YOUR energy and feel more peaceful?

  • Would you like a little more JOY in your life?

Well, look no further! You're always giving to others, now it's time for YOU.....

EVERYTHING in our psyche is formed by the time we are 7 years old, and we learn how to handle our emotions between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. During childhood, we are sponges, taking on the ideas, beliefs and even fears of those around us. In essence, we become conditioned to behave in certain ways; losing connection with our true selves. We carry this into adulthood.....often behaving in ways to 'please others' over ourselves. But we can break the cycle and live the life that we actually came here for.

Human Design provides you with your original energetic blueprint. The person you were always designed to be underneath all the layers of conditioning.​ It provides you with easy, actionable tips to fit into every day life, allowing you to feel more like YOU again.

Gene Keys gives you access to your highest timeline. Combining Human design and Gene Keys, we can pinpoint your core areas of conditioning and alongside it, your greatest potential.

We live in an energetic world; EVERYTHING is energy, including YOU! Which means that your FREQUENCY matters. It affects everything, from your health to your relationships. On a personal level, I didn't realise just how DISCONNECTED from my true self I was until my body reacted and I discovered a bald patch on my head! That was the catalyst I needed to tune back in to MY needs. Learning how to RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY on a very real, every day level is not only the greatest gift you'll ever give yourself, but those you love too.

Combining Human design and Gene Keys, I will map out and provide you with a simple, practical plan to live more as you were always designed to BE (your own personal 5 steps to wellbeing). This will leave you with a clear understanding of what you need to do to feel more at ease in day to day life. The best part is that the plan is designed to fit into busy lives. Being a working mum of 2, I know how important that is! 

Life will always throw us curveballs, but we don't need to get swept up into the storm along the way. When we know what our true underlying NEEDS are and start to put them first, we can get through anything without losing ourself, or our health along the way. 

And do you know the best part? When you put your needs first, you step into a higher frequency, which permeates out to those you love and has a positive impact on them too.

'The Human Design profile was a revelation. It helped me to really understand the essence of who I am, my unique personal needs, and how this links into finding my purpose and fulfilment in every day life''   Richard-CEO & Father

''The session I had with Rachel was genuinely one of the best things I have done! I was fascinated to learn more about myself and my son, and to understand parts of our personalities I'd never considered before. I also loved how everything was science backed. The strategies have made a positive difference in both mine and my sons lives.'' Rebecca-Business Owner & Mother

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How does it work?

​​Once I receive your birth details, I will put together the information from your charts into an accessible, easy to follow document, with clear action points. 


In effect, this is a roadmap to living your most authentic life.

We will then meet on Zoom for a 45 minute call, where I will guide you through the information and leave space for any questions you may have. 

Follow up support via email is also included for 21 days.

​You are a truly unique individual. See yourself for the amazing being that you are and feel your life transform.​


Human design reading-Adult  


Child Reading 

You know your child is UNIQUE and you want to parent them as their SOUL intended....


EVERYTHING is formed in a child's psyche by the age of 7 years old. Children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them; often becoming conditioned to behave in ways which isn't in line with their true nature.

Outdated beliefs around childhood, coupled with generic parenting advice has led to a huge rise in Mental Health issues for children.

It's time to turn back the tide.

With this reading, you will receive confirmation of YOUR child's unique gifts and abilities.

Being a primary school teacher and a mum of my own 2 unique children, I am PASSIONATE about EMPOWERING children to be themselves.

This reading is FULL of PRACTICAL TIPS and actions you can fit into every day life to help your child feel more content, at ease and connected to their true self.


Human design reading-Child (Available once an adult reading has been purchased)


Why Work with Me?

Finding Human Design was a pivotal life changing moment for me. I had been on my own 'healing' journey for a while when it came into my life. Discovering I was a 1/3 Emotional Projector made everything just click into place! Suddenly, it became less about healing and more about accepting myself for who I already was. Things made sense that I would have spent an eternity trying to 'heal' otherwise!

EVERYTHING in our psyche is formed by the time we are 7 years old, and we learn how to handle our emotions between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. During childhood, we are sponges, taking on the ideas, beliefs and even fears of those around us. In essence, we become conditioned to behave in certain ways; losing connection with our true selves. We carry this into adulthood.....often behaving in ways to 'please others' over ourselves. 

Combining my understanding of childhood development, energy wellbeing and Human Design was revolutionary.

As I started to understand my innate needs and put them first (guilt free!), my energy naturally improved. I started to feel lighter. I started to let go of the heaviness and the limiting beliefs I'd carried around. I even started to trust my own innate wisdom more and stopped looking outside of myself for answers. The best part? As I did this, I raised my frequency and the most magical thing happened....

My children started changing too. Becoming more THEM. Growing in confidence and feeling freer to express the highest version of themselves. 

And all I had to do was focus more on ME! I wouldn't have believed it without watching it unfold before my eyes.

Being a 1/3 Projector meant that I delved DEEP into the Human Design system, learning all I could, and then finally coming up for air....

In my experience, the real magic hasn't been in what I have 'learnt' from the books and the courses, but from actual real life experience. Embodying that knowledge and observing parts of myself that I thought I had lost! 

I started by reading profiles for my family, which blew me away with their accuracy. Learning more about my son and daughter's profiles was an absolute parenting revelation! I love being able to guide them in the way that is correct for them. 

Gradually people started asking me if I offered readings, and it grew from there!

EVERY reading amazes me with its accuracy and the reaction from the client. Feedback has included:

''It really feels like this is who I am if I do the work and return to my true self''

''It helped me to really understand the essence of who I am''

''It gave me permission to relax, and then the invitations came (I had people contact me to offer me work!)''

''The whole experience surpasses previous readings''

''We have seen a huge improvement with our son. The profile has been very helpful in working through a difficult time for our son.''

In my experience, Spirituality and 'healing' can be a little 'addictive' (they were for me!). They can take you out of your body, whereas Human Design does exactly the opposite-it's ALL about connecting to who you are here and now IN BODY. And the best even shows you the way to live YOUR best life! What's not to love?

Emily-Business Owner & Mother

“It was enlightening, deeply personal and I have acted on the guidance. It has put a spring in my step to know that I have a place and purpose and I can achieve what I need to."

Richard-CEO & Father

"The Human Design profile that Rachel created for me was a revelation. It has helped me really understand the essence of who I am, my unique personal needs and how this links in to finding my purpose and fulfillment in every day life. She has helped me find daily joy!''

Dr Alison-Business Leader

“Thank you for your lightness; for encompassing the mystery, divinity-the foundations to soulful being. The whole experience including the way I feel coming out  of the reading, surpass previous readings and in part this is coming away with a sense of the lived experience quite distinct from an intellectual exercise. Such gratitude''

If you’re ready to have it all without sacrificing your sanity, book your human design reading and finally start living the life you’ve been designed for.

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