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Wellbeing Teacher &
Energy Guide

Simplifying Life

Welcome and Thank You for being here....

Are you an over giver?

A recovering people pleaser?

Then you're in the right place! 

EVERYTHING in our CHILDHOOD effects how we live as ADULTS.

We often become DISCONNECTED from our own NEEDS to please others.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety and mental health issues.

BUT there is another way....

A simpler, lighter way....

One where you get to strip back the CONDITIONING and UNBECOME everything you're not...

To live as your most AUTHENTIC, DIAMOND SELF.

Are you ready to feel a sense of PEACE like never before? Look no further.....

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Hello, I'm Rachel...

Since I was a little child, I have been highly intuitive and sensitive to the world around me. Being the only child of a mental health 'sufferer' and parents in a dysfunctional relationship, I soon learnt to read other people's emotions and respond accordingly....and there started the 'people pleasing'. I absorbed my mums fears and anxieties and over time I shut down my intuitive abilities as the truth was too painful to 'see'. I wanted to 'pretend' everything was fine. I wanted to keep everything 'ok' to feel safe. I entered survival mode and started behaving in a way I thought others wanted me to, rather than tuning into my own needs. 

As  I got older, work became escapism to me. I loved my job as a Teacher. I was climbing the leadership ranks....

Until I had my own children.

I entered the struggle. I found it hard to balance Motherhood and Work. 

I could no longer juggle all the balls and any identity I'd built for myself to escape the past came crashing down. 

I didn't identify with the 'middle class dream', I was a ball of anxiety (not that you'd have seen that from the outside), a control freak, a perfectionist, AND I was exhausted. My son didn't fit into the neat box I'd labelled 'parenting'; in fact he tested any belief I ever had about how it 'should' be. 

Lost and left questioning the point of life, I went through an Awakening that completely changed the course of my life. Stripped bare of any labels or identities I'd given myself. I had to face myself like never before. 

As I slowly started coming home to the truth of who I really was, I let go of layer after layer of conditioning and limiting beliefs I'd held since I was a child. 

As I did this, I broke through ancestral chains which had been passed down the bloodline. I knew my children would not take on fears and beliefs which did not belong to them. As I freed myself, I freed them too. They started shining brighter, growing in confidence and expressing their true individuality. 

I learnt everything I could about energy; I absorbed holistic wellbeing; lost myself in Spirituality; sought answers from others and then finally came home to ME. With full Self Responsibility. 

An understanding of how to balance my energy in our ever changing world.

Leading myself from Inner Chaos to Inner Calm

And it's my mission to support, nourish and teach you anything that will lead you home to YOU too. All the answers you need are withIN, sometimes we just need a little  support getting back there. 

As we raise our own frequency, we raise the frequency of the whole. 

All connected. All One.

All a unique expression of Source energy.

Putting YOUR  needs first is the least selfish thing you will ever do

Are you ready to be your DIAMOND SELF?


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''How to THRIVE when juggling it all.....''

''You enabled me to see me, to accept myself, flaws and all, and gave me tools to be able to see, no feel, when something is off with me energetically and be able to do something about that to bring me back to some kind of alignment which feels a little bit like being in a flow, being happy, content and at ease. It's like you provided me with little tuning dials that let me adjust things here and there whenever I don't feel in flow and which help me get back to that state again. 


I have never liked myself. Mainly because I never understood myself. You helped me to see, accept, work with and fundamentally like who I am.''


Qualifications & Certificates so far....

Certified Human Design Reader

Dip.Quantum Physics (Distinction)
Mental Health First Aider 
NLP Practitioner
Reiki Master
GTI-Reflexology & Indian Head Massage
5 Awakenings Practitioner
Life coaching diploma
Mindfulness for children diploma
Dyslexia Awareness course
Emotional Freedom Technique diploma
Children's Yoga Teacher
Leadership Development training
Mediumship Development 
BA (Hons) Educational Studies

PGCE Early Childhood Education

Never Stop Learning

If you're ready to ditch the 'tickbox' and try a unique approach to wellbeing then you're in the right place....


''The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” ― Phil Jackson

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